Saturday, December 15, 2012

This Is A Man Of God? I Think Not!

Well it's almost 2am and I am likely going to be up for several more hours given that I fell asleep watching a Rush live in Cleveland concert on VH1 Classic earlier in the evening. I woke up about an hour ago as it is bit cooler in the living room than it is the other rooms in the house. I should really check the windows and door as it seems that there is cold air creeping in. I decided to write a blog rather bide my time cleaning up my bedroom or doing something else productive.

So I was on Huff Post a few minutes ago and saw a story about Mike Huckabee's comments on the tragedy that occurred yesterday in Newtown. This cretin of a human being came out with a theory about this tragic event where twenty children under the age of ten were gunned down by a sick individual and stated "that this crime was no surprise because we have systematically removed God from our schools." Okay Mike Huckabee is fucking insane! Mike Huckabee as an ordained Southern baptist minister represents all that is wrong with organized religion in the country. Rather than act as a human being offering condolences, thoughts and prayers for the immense loss that these families incurred today; this douche bag of a man came up with this incredibly stupid statement about what occurred yesterday morning. This guy came in 2nd in the 2008 Republican nomination race as that party's candidate for the office of the presidency. Holy fuck people are stupid! Or maybe another way of looking at it is that there were enough smart people in the GOP that backed John McCain that year. I could not imagine living in a country where this insensitive ass of a man would be shoving down our throats his ridiculous bile. This dunce needs sensitivity training pretty much like half of the other dumbasses on Fox News. TV for idiots!

A sure sign that I am upset is when I swear in a blog and I use the eff word without abbreviating it in my semi-unique way of doing it. Seeing Huckabee the A-Hole's comments this morning made me upset. This man will now be known as the A-Hole in all my future thoughts and writings. What the eff do they teach in these schools where these so-called men of God learn to minister? How effing perverse!

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