Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Likely A Short Blah Blah Blog

So I think I am just ending my first complete week with this cough cold thing and it's rather effing annoying. I'm good for a couple of hours then all of a sudden off I go to the races to empty a box of kleenex. It seems that my showers in the morning are lasting an extra 10 minutes or so just to get enough steam going so that I can clear my nasal and ear passages and get my chest heaving. Great way to start the day. I will say that it is better than what I used to do 3+ years ago which was to reach with my right hand to stop that infernal alarm clock and then grope in the dark for that top of the morning to ya cigarette. Gawd that was so gross!

I've come to the conclusion that gas stations may be one of those places that once you cross this invisible line entering the space occupied by this purveyor of fuel, cigarettes, crap ass beer and wine and these weird things on hot rollers that a couple days ago resembled a hot dog most people's brains go on complete shutdown. It's either that option or perhaps I am only just realizing today on 12/12/12 that in general people are effing moronic. I sure hope that it is that line crossing theory of mine. If it isn't it partly explains why Jim Demented is the junior senator in the state of SC. Sometimes I wonder how a day can go by here without a car driving into a gas pump like you see in some poorly written and acted action film brought to you by the fine folks running the WWE. Yes I am name dropping a wrestling organization. LOL.

I wonder who the heck buys those hot dogs. I wonder why they always have swill like Natural Light and Icehouse on sale and not a Sam Adams product or a New Belgium product. I wonder who buys that "Jailbird" newspaper that they have next to the cash. I think that is the SC version of Quebec's "Allo Police" without the stories. I guess that is how some want to achieve their 15 minutes of fame. I wonder who uses food stamps to buy stuff at my local StopAMinit. It makes me wonder what qualifies as food on that program if people are using it at the gas station. They are not exactly stocked with items not containing chemicals of some sort. I wonder who the eff uses that powdered cream stuff in their coffee. Does that stuff even dissolve in a hot liquid? I'm still wondering who the eff is eating those hot dogs! I am wondering that if chewing tobacco or snuff or dip or whatever that absolutely gross stuff is called wasn't sold at gas stations would it even exist. I am wondering whether or not if my bill added up to $6.47 and I gave the cashier person a $20 would he or she come up with correct change if the register didn't tell them what the correct change amount added up to. Or would that person look as befuddled as I did this morning stopped at a red light near my house where I was turning right and not realizing until I was there for a minute or so with nary a car passing by that it was okay for me to turn. Gawd I am useless in the morning! LOL. I wonder if I am anymore useful as the day progresses. I am wondering whether or not I was supposed to use question marks in some of those sentences above. Oh well I have typed it with periods. Live with it people! Big grin.

Well H is out again for a bit as he had today off. I was hoping to hear whether or not he ended up with a 4th A this semester and where his GPA ended up. I guess I will have to text the young man to get an update. I guess it's going to be leftover tilapia or rotisserie chicken for supper eventually tonight. They have that 12/12/12 concert thing going on tonight. Perhaps that will be the reason I use to avoid housework, laundry, work-work or anything else productive. LOL.

Gawd I want to stop blowing my nose.

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