Friday, March 30, 2012

New Blogger Design

Hmmm. I haven't typed in a while and I got back on the site only to discover that they have changed everything around. I kind of knew where everything was before to write and format these blogs. After writing 20 or so of these things I figured out how to add labels and photos to them. Now I am back to being confused once again. I'm probably going to have to write a few before I can start adding the stuff I added before.

So two weekends ago I turned 50 years old! It's incredible really when I think of how quickly time passes by. All in all I think it's been a pretty good ride. I've got some regrets. Who doesn't? I've made mistakes. I've squandered opportunities. I've caused myself to stress over things that I could have handled better and less stressfully. One thing I know is that I have the tools, knowledge, wherewithal, etc. etc. to change the things that I can.

In a roundabout way this brings me to one of the wisest things I have ever read. Something that I learned about in the late 80s when I attended a lot of meetings in church basements. Well lots of them were in basements. Sometimes they were in rooms that were in the upstairs part of the building though. LOL.

The prayer above even though many or most of us know it from a 12-step program is a tenet or words that have to be more important in my life than they have been for perhaps the better part of the last decade. I'm thinking at times that I completely forgot about the simple wisdom of these words.

Earlier today I took a break at lunch where I went to my neighborhood Starbucks and grabbed a table outside with today's Greenville News and a venti coffee and just vegged out for an hour or so. A little bit of serenity came upon me at that time. Month-ends are always hard for me and add the fact I made a major decision this week in my life as well; I definitely needed some calmness to descend upon me.

As I was watching traffic go by the words of the Serenity Prayer came to mind. It's been a long time since I thought of those words, and once again like it did thousands of times before when I attended meetings; a little bit of my own private serenity came upon me. A few minutes later I got behind the wheel of my car and all that inner peace went out the window. I'm a stark raving French speaking lunatic once I get behind the wheel of a car. I really, really have to work on that. LOL.