Sunday, January 6, 2013

Well I Am Awake (01/06/13)

Well I have been awake for about a half hour or so and am sipping on my first cup of coffee. I'm addicted to my weekend java with Kahlua now. It is yum. I made it through the night sleeping. Cool beans!

I saw a quick headline that the NHL may be back with a possible 48 game season after negotiating throughout the night. You know what I don't care. I'm pretty sure that I am not the only hockey fan that thinks that now.

While there are many that will be welcoming them back with open arms like the people whose livelihoods depended on games being played like arena staff and businesses near the hockey rinks as well as some die-hard fans; I won't be one of them anytime soon. The owners and players can take as I politely as I can say a flying eff. My days of supporting a league spending my hard earned dollars purchasing a pair of tickets for $150, $8 beers and $6 hot dogs has ended.

The only good thing for me in all of this on a personal level is that perhaps now when I go to a sports bar for a meal and a couple of brews, perhaps a TV screen or two will have a hockey game going that I can periodically look at in between bites of food. I will be slightly more interested in the hockey game than I ever will be watching any level of basketball pro or not or some Mediocrity Bowl that we have been subjected to on ESPN for the last three weeks. Like I really care what happens between two six and six teams who last played a real football game five weeks ago. There was such a bowl game on TV early yesterday afternoon. It was like whatever, who cares and I hope that the Food Channel has something decent on.

I'm glad to say that H was in good enough shape to go back to work this morning for 7am. I offered the young man a ride but he begged off saying that he needed to ride his bike to get some exercise in. Yes I swear it is true that he is my blood relative and son. Even if he talks about physical activity and means it we are related. LOL.

On a completely different note, I have ten games of Words With Friends going on either on Facebook or on my "not so smart" phone and I must be playing with the world's slowest players ever. I am almost tempted to use the remind button but then I think my phone will explode if I do so.

I need to read the little book that I got with my "not so smart" phone. I don't know to delete text messages. I don't know how to get rid of thirty or so apps that I will never ever use. Most importantly I have the find that flaming lighter app so that I am prepared for the next time while I am attending a live concert and a favorite power ballad starts playing. I will then be able flick my cellphone app on and sway. If I ever do that lightning will strike me and cause irreversible brain cell damage. It would have the same effect on me as would listening to more than five minutes of Hannity, Krauthammer, O'Reilly, Susteren and all the other flaming dips on the pretend news station.

Now onto something way more pleasant. I am listening to Robin Trower's "Too Rolling Stoned" from the classic 1974 release "Bridge of Sighs". Some white men, usually British it seems, are just destined to play the blues. Robin Trower is no doubt one of them.

It's time for coffee kahlua number two. Peace out!

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