Friday, January 11, 2013

Long Week (01/11/13)

I am pretty darn sure that I am not the only one that found this week to be longer than recent ones. Yes I know that all weeks have seven days and one hundred sixty eight hours but I think that a few extra hours were added in unbeknownst to the vast of the population and especially to this opinionated person.

This may have been the first week in eight weeks or so that I put in five days at the office. Besides the recent holiday weeks; there were a whole bunch of shorter work weeks as I was trying to get to my ten day max allotment of carryover vacation days.

What made it tougher as well was giving rides to H to school in the morning at 7am as this semester he has four days starting at 730am. I am so not a morning person. Leaving the house when it is still dark in the morning is criminal. LOL. Add to the fact that I think there were three rainy or very cloudy days this week so it was rather dark leaving the office at five. Yesterday was so pleasant coming home with windows down somewhat and X95 blasting away some new rock as opposed to tonight's drive home with the windows rolled up and the wipers set to intermittent to counteract that misty stuff that was falling on 385 southbound.

This weekend I think will be a work outside weekend as I believe that the temps will be in the low 70s and sunny. That will be nice. There will be no reason for inactivity in that case.

I am also going to try a new recipe that involves meat-filled curry infused pita recipe with a simple homemade salsa. I was going to try it out tonight but upon arrival at home, H and two of his friends had taken over the kitchen area playing chess with pictures of the chess pieces like the rooks and pawns on these mini-shot glasses. These glasses were filled with some really bad whisky and H and his buddy Alex were going to town in an aggressive speed chess match designed to get the players mellow (aka feeling no pain) in short order. From what I could hear from my room was that mission was accomplished. LOL.

Anyways that is it for now as the words aren't really flowing tonight.

Peace out my blog readers!

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