Tuesday, January 1, 2013

First One (01/01/13)

Well here's to my first blog of 2013 as I toast myself with coffee with just a wee bit of Kahlua. It is a holiday after all! Therefore no preaching at me allowed as if that would influence this stubborn man any. Not hemoglobin likely! These days I am more apt to listen to doctors than anyone else anyways.

That is my way to segue into what I want to accomplish in 2013. This is sort of my New Year's resolution I guess though I have never been one to make what many see as empty promises which is what New Year's resolutions typically end up being within a week or two if that. LOL.

So as I was saying I started listening to doctors three years ago in March when I heeded their warnings and quit smoking and truly I didn't have an issue at all doing that.

So when I went to get my annual physical a few months ago when it was time to update my medical records for insurance purposes the main issue at hand now is my high blood pressure. While some it is work related due to my almost non-existent time management skills; I believe most of it is related to the weight gain since quitting smoking. I laughingly refer to my quitting smoking as 60 pounds ago as opposed to almost 3 years ago.

While some ex-smokers miss the habit, I truly don't. I hate the smell of it. It is the ultimate reminder why I am glad that I stopped. It just reeks. I didn't realize how much until my sense of smell returned I guess.

Case in point from yesterday when I picked H up at the airport yesterday afternoon after his being away for 10 days or so and he just finished one while waiting for me to pick him up. He sat down in the front seat and it was like I missed you, glad you are back and "open the effing window please". LOL.

But I digress back to this blood pressure thing. The doctor prescribed me a low dose medication which needed to be upped as the results for the first 30 days weren't where they needed to be. So now I am taking a bigger dose of medicine so the doctor has done her part.

Now I need to do my part which is eat a bit healthier. I am referring to you my chips with sea salt. I need to get out and about and that doesn't mean checking out every restaurant bar that has some unique beers on tap. It probably means some exercise and getting sweaty somewhat. Yuck! LOL. It means not using LePage way of counting things. It means actually taking in less calories than those being spent. That is a combo of fruits, veggies and light beer. Ha just kidding about light beer. Why bother drinking swill? Let's exchange that light beer comment with a less sedentary life style.

So my goal for this year is to reduce my BP as I still want to be around when I make my last monthly mortgage payment in June 2039!

Peace out.

PS I am listening to Pete Townsend's version of the Canned Heat classic "On The Road Again" on Deep Tracks. Cool version. Had to slip in my music thing as I usaully do here. LOL.

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