Tuesday, January 1, 2013

A Little Bit Chilly (12/30/12)

So just after 7am Sunday morning and it's a little bit chilly in the house. Perhaps typing at my desktop in a tshirt and briefs is the reason. LOL. I could just put on a pair of jeans I guess and stop whining.

Listening to my "Deep Tracks" station online and they just played Styx "Castle Walls" from their 1977 album "The Grand Illusion". I love this station. On a typical station if they played this album at all; this would be the 5th choice as a track to play on the turntable. You've got "Grand Illusion", "Fooling Yourself", "Come Sail Away" and "Miss America" that all would typically get airplay before "Castle Walls".

Every time I typed about a band's or an artist's output I refer to albums or records. I am such a dinosaur. LOL. I am pretty darn sure that I will never own an Ipod or download a music to my phone. I listen to albums and I sure as heck don't want to be listening to them in silence on earphones likely at a volume level that is causing permanent damage to my hearing.

How many of today's artists come out with a full disc of music of which we know of or hear more than maybe a couple of cuts? Aside from some country artists like perhaps Taylor Swift there aren't very many at all. I mean take a look at the top 50 on the "album" charts at the back page of any recent Rolling Stone issue and you will likely understand what I mean. If you don't, you're just insane! LOL.

Now the station is playing "The Song Is Over" from The Who's 1971 classic album "Who's Next". That album had a total of nine songs and seven of them get airplay and "The Song Is Over" might be the seventh track that does and it is still an amazing and memorable song.

Okay I gave in to common sense and put jeans on to get my next cup of coffee. It's just too darn cold in the house to flouncing around in briefs. "Le spectacle est fini". HaHa!

So in today's math lesson we will use the example of Maine's Republican governor Paul LePage on how not to do things. Last year he took a page out of the idiotic tax cut pledge from the TP platform which just goes to show that these dips never learn to count past 21 which means using fingers, toes and their you know whats. So one year later they have $400,000,000 less revenue over the next two years. Yes that is eight zeroes after the four.

So last week LePage ordered $35,500,000 in immediate spending cuts including one-third of them from the education budget. So the year before this neanderthal took over, Maine ranked 21st as far as education standards. Now it's 27th. If this keeps up they can be come down to our levels here in SC where we are ranked last in the nation.

Here's another simple math truth taking out the zeroes. If you have $400 less revenue or income if you are spending everything you make. How the eff does cutting $35.50 in spending balance your budget. Aren't you short $364.50? Guess what happens next? I am pretty sure it won't be dealing with LePage's actions in nepotism. It will likely be affecting the true middle class and those people are not bringing home $250,000 a year.

Just another shining example of idiocy in action as brought to you by TP policy. Bravo!

I just thought of it. The Styx album title is a perfect match for Lapage's economic policy.

Geez I have to shave. This is driving me nuts. I have really gotten to the point that I have more hair on or near my chin than I have on my face and it is itchy. I also need to get some brekky in. I think I may spoil myself this morning and have breakfast out somewhere.

That's it for now. Peace out!

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