Sunday, October 2, 2011

Morning Radio In The Upstate

So I started writing this blog about a half hour ago and then I had an oops moment and somehow inadvertently deleted everything that I had typed in this template. It was like "an oh eff" moment. LOL. So being the determined Schlewing that I am; I will rewrite what I wrote and go from there. Uh oh I forgot how I started the blog. I thought I was being quite witty actually. Well I usually think that I am being witty. I may be delusional. LOL. Now I have to try to remember what I wrote earlier.

I just added this paragraph before posting this blog. The original blog was going to be about the mixed CD that I am listening to as I type. All of a sudden it became a blog on morning radio in the Upstate. This is just my opinion. I know that lots of people listen to these stations here in Greenville. It is their right to do so. I'm going to explain in my own little way why I don't listen to morning radio here.

Okay here goes. I am not the 1st guy to jump on the new thing bandwagon. I didn't get a computer until 1999. I didn't have a cellphone until maybe five years ago. I still don't have a data plan on my phone. I don't have an IPod, an IPad or an IJag. Made that last one up. LOL. I don't have Sirius in my car. I still have an old-fashioned tube type tv. No flat screens except for my computer monitor. There are other things I can add to the list of I don'ts but I will save some for future blogs. O:)

This was going to be about what is in my CD player but it has now segued into something else altogether. When I leave for work in the morning there's no way I can listen to morning radio in the Upstate.

You have the Rise Guys on The Planet. Good music but I am almost 50 yrs old and I just can't relate to the blathering that they do. It all sounds like blah blah and then blah blah some more. More music less talk then perhaps I would listen. They've got 5 people working on their morning show. Good Gawd get rid of 'em all. LOL. Just play the new rock!

You have John Boy and Billy on Rock 101. I'm sorry but while my brain cells are still working I can not listen to what I think is the redneck Republican mindset of the people on this show. I'm embarrassed by some of the characters and subject matter passes for discourse in this part of the country on this radio station. This is the lowest of the low brow humor that I ever heard and personally I think it has some racial undertones and that really freaks me out. I probably lost a few friends and readers with this last paragraph.

Then you have Ellis and Bradley on WSSL. WSSL is the local country music station that originates in Gray Court. LOL. I always smile when I hear that it comes from Gray Court. This would be like a radio station in Pictou County coming from Hopewell (where my Mom lived before she passed) or in the Montreal area from St-Bruno de Montarville (where my ex-wife lives). Gray Court is a little town of 1021 people per Wikipedia located southbound from my house on I385. I actually like some country music now. I have a growing number of tracks listed on my favorites list on YouTube and when I am in a quiet mood I like listening to WSSL. Just not when Beth Bradley is on there though. For my ears her voice is grating. This is purely subjective and won't hold up in a court of law. LOL. That voice and Toby Keith in the morning. Sorry change the station please. TYVM.

Then we have two lite rock less talk stations. At least I think there are two of them. They may be the same station with different call letters at different places on the radio dial. I think they have the same play format just 15 minutes apart. If you hear it on one station you will hear it on the other station 15 minutes later. It just seems that way. They have John Tesh on one of these stations. John Tesh? I always wondered where he went after Entertainment Tonight. Maybe Robb Weller is on that station. I think that is his name. Anyways they play Celine Dion so therefore I can not listen to those stations because my head would explode. To top it off one or both of the stations goes all Christmas 24/7 at Thanksgiving (the American one for my Canadian friends or readers). Christmas music in the last week of November. Shoot me now. Figuratively not literally. LOL.

Okay I know that there is a all news radio station here but I am very wary of happening upon some right wing conservative nutjob viewpoint before I have my first cup of coffee. I can not be held responsible for the colorful verbage that would escape my lips in front of Plain Elementary at 715am if I heard the voices of doom and evil of Hannity, Ingraham or Limbaugh.

There is also a station called HisRadio. I could go off on a tangent or cosine here. Boy oh boy could I ever but I won't as the HisRadio listeners way outnumber little old me in the work parking lot. This is based on a non-scientific count of bumper stickers. LOL.

So this partly explains why I still listen to CDs. The next blog will be on one of those CDs I listen to.

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