Sunday, December 22, 2013

This & That Before My Morning Coffee (12/22/13)....

So the other day I am heading to take a shower before heading to work and I notice in the mirror a large pimple right on the tip of my nose. It could not be in a more obvious place. How annoying acne at 51 yrs. old. Grrr. Adding to this disturbing picture is that a couple of days earlier I somehow managed to scrape up my forehead but good while shaving my head. I never do that. So for the last couple of days I have relived the early teens of my years with marks on my face. Not exactly the remember when that I want to have. LOL.

Yesterday afternoon I tried a new recipe with chicken breasts, hot Italian sausage and farfalle pasta. It turned out real well and it was really to make with few ingredients. I was worried that it would be a bit bland but the red wine and Italian seasoning brought out quite a bit of taste to the dish overall.

I wish I could say the same of the chicken noodle soup I made afterwards. It was so-so. I pretty much followed the recipe I have been using recently but I may have had watered down the stock a bit too much. I am not real good with salt and pepper to taste in dishes as I am not a big user and fan of salt. I always tell H that it may need some afterwards. The soup is still good but it seems to be missing an ingredient. Maybe it is carrots. I have forgotten to replenish that root vegetable on the last couple of trips to my local Food Lion.

If you need proof that our world has changed for the worse in many ways all you need to do is go on a comment section of a typical news site on the web and prepare yourself for low intellect, racist, unintelligible and disturbing comments on various subject matters. It is beyond belief what can be written on a website without any regard for truth and honesty. Add to the fact that most of these sites don't check or validate what is written and that most of these putrid comments come from people hiding behind avatars, fake names and false Facebook user IDs. It is like having the low intellect cave dwelling members of the KKK coming out from behind their sheets to spew their hatred and non-sensical vitriol. It has gotten to the point that I don't even go to these sections anymore in search of dialogue because all I get is the sense that I need to take a shower to rid myself of the stench of bigotry and hate.

Okay so that was weird as I went from my temporary markings on my face to my adventures in the kitchen to editorializing about "stupid is as stupid does" people. Well it has been bugging me for a few days. LOL. So I now I have written about it and I feel better.

Anyways time to make coffee Collective Soul fans. Peace out.

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