Sunday, January 1, 2012

First Blog Of 2012

So this is my first blog of the new year and I am pretty darn sure that I will be meandering my way throughout the year on whatever catches my fancy and my ire. So here goes Schlewing's thoughts for today.

I'm listening to Judas Priest on YouTube. Maybe that's why all of sudden reading about Ron Paul, Rick Santorum and Rick Perry is annoying the heck out of me. Republicans and heavy metal do not blend well!

In an ironic turn of events before "Metal Gods" by the Priest came on; I had to listen to a 30 second commercial by Mitt Romney. Here's my take on political ads on YouTube. I'm Marc Schlewing and I don't approve of this ad!!! LOL.

Who the eff came up with this idea about running a Mitt Romney ad just before a Judas Priest video? I am pretty effing sure that Romney's people missed their voting bloc demographic on this call. I am damn sure they missed their call. I actually liked Romney at the outset of this campaign. Now I just think he is another repugnant Republican that will do anything to get a vote. Today he stands for this and yesterday he stood for that and frankly his negative advertising tactics are belittling his character and moral compass.

You can tell the character of a man by his thoughts and actions and how he will righteously call out or speak out against wrongful actions. The fact that much of his advertising is misleading and closer to lies than truth make me question the humanity of this man. Sorry Mitt, I way like Jon Huntsman more than I will ever like you. Not that it matters though because Jon's chances are slim and none in a contest where smarts aren't the key characteristic in the search for the leader of the party. Pandering to this interest group and to that interest group is the lay of the land it seems with the GOP.

When a potential candidate of a party is using as an important keystone of his campaign the concept that would make abortions illegal in all cases even in instances of rape and incest; this leadership contest is pretty effed up and broken.

When a potential candidate uses the slogan of "bombing Iran" as a cornerstone of his foreign policy; do you really want this "Einstein" leading one of the great countries of the free world? Serious thought is needed not some knee-jerk pandering to some small piece of the electorate.

When one of the potential candidates is a 76 yr. old human bobblehead whose political credo is pretty much "eff your neighbors and don't touch my stuff" were in deep doo-doo.

Ah sanity and calmness has descended back upon me as "Eminence Front" by The Who starts in the background. Must be that hypnotic keyboard line that starts the song.

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