Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How Bizarre

Okay this is a really bizarro-world thing. I read yesterday that Bryan Ferry ex-lead singer of Roxy Music got married in the last couple of days. Mr. Ferry age 66 married the 29 yr. old Amanda Sheppard in a ceremony that took place in the Turks and Caicos on January 4th. This came from a straight news story on the Washington Post website. I was there reading a Thomas Boswell column on the only baseball team that matters. Yes that would be the Washington Nationals!

37 is the age difference between the two of them. 37! That's like the IQ of the average Rick Santorum follower. This in itself is really effing bizarre but there's a kicker to all of this. Bryan Ferry married one of his son's ex-girlfriends. Yes that's right. One of his four sons used to be involved with Ms. Sheppard. Gotta say that is one heck of a holy eff thing.

In my YouTube account I have several Roxy Music songs in my favorite songs on the site. Originals like "Avalon" and "More Than This" and phenomenal covers like "Jealous Guy" and "Like a Hurricane"; I'm kind of thinking that Bryan Ferry needs to do a cover version of the OMC one-hit wonder "How Bizarre".

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