So you ever notice how some days just seem longer than others? Today was one of those for me. Up and at 'em at 430am for some reason. I'm stressed out a bit I am sure. There are days that I am just waiting for that other shoe to drop and then I am effed or will be effed.
For lack of a better example in symbolism I get that vision of a hamster on that wheel that you often see in their cage. I upgraded that vision to a hamster as there is no way I'm a rat.
So I was up way too early on too little sleep trying to play catch up on work stuff. I really suck at using my time effectively. Okay that isn't the nicest verbage but on 4.5 hours of sleep I just don't think I am too verbose.
I knew I had chauffeur duties for H at 715am, 11am and 10pm today plus a full day's work and trying to meet my objectives for my weekly one on one. Just too many things that I had to do. Fortunately my one on one was pushed back to the end of the day which allowed me to be better prepared and take care of some other work things.
I pass by one of my banks and realize darn I didn't bring my chequebook and car payment thingee. Just another thing I need to remember for tomorrow. I know I will now as I put all of that next to my money stash. Okay it isn't quite a stash. LOL. I found the car payment thingee. Now I need to find my chequebook. I am a walking lost and lost and found department. Yes I meant to double up on the lost part.
I need to set up the time to get myself to an optometrist. I definitely need a new prescription. Everything is blurry it seems with these glasses. Schlewings tend to be tall as a rule which is a good thing but our vision absolutely sucks.
Dang, effed, effed, sucks and sucks; I'm thinking that a Nobel Prize for Literature is not in my near future!
Cool song. Frankie Goes to Hollywood on a mix CD with "Welcome To The Pleasure Dome". I love this song. No clue what it means. "The animals are winding up". WTF are they watches? Are they pitching off a mound? "Shooting stars never stop even when they reach the top". Top of what? Hill? Bill? Window Sill? Someone help me and explain this song to me. Please pretty please. LOL. Okay I know it makes no sense. That's okay it has a great beat!
So what else happened today? Our governor Nikki Haley admitted she was wrong. LOL. That should be a daily occurence actually amd twice on Sundays! What was she wrong about? Well a little while back she stated that half of the applicants for jobs at a nuclear plant facility failed their drug tests. What can one say about that statement without being sued for slanderous commentary? Actually whatever I would type could not be considered slanderous given the total lack of intelligence that was used in uttering that statement. Her defense was someone on her team told her this. Well it must be fact then. Effin Einstein. I am so proud that she is there in the corridors of power defending my interests. Can you detect sarcasm there? Gawd I sure hope so.
On a more pleasant note my Expos / Nats won in the first game of revenue-grab doubleheader by scoring a run in the top of the 10th. Drew Storen picked up his 39th save. Roger Bernandina hit a 3-run homer. I would love to see what this guy could do in a full year of ABs. His numbers aren't terrible. .245 BA, .307 OBP. 16SB 2CS. Pretty solid numbers as a 4th outfielder. He does need to cut down on the KOs though. After all who do we have in the outfield? The Beast (Morse) and the Rich Dude (Werth). Roger Dodger fits there perhaps if the rich man is in CF. At least until Bryce Harper is ready for the show in 2013. Why the heck not?
Okay enough typing for now. Time for din-din. Penne Pasta with hot Italian sausage in a white sauce. Yum.
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