Okay this is bad! I'm sitting at my computer reading news stories, listening to music and sweating. Geezus I have become a sweat monster. It isn't that warm in the house and I have the ceiling fan in my room going full blast yet I can feel the sweat dripping. LOL. Okay don't picture that please! It isn't pretty.
However this little blog is about a conversation I had with a couple guys this week. I probably would have been a bit more effective in my arguments if I had not had a couple of beers but here goes the recap regardless. LOL.
So I met up with a couple of guys that are libertarians. They are no doubt Ron Paul disciples. They have me scared actually that this individual centred thinking can become more prevalent in our society. I am of the mind that we should try to help out those that are less fortunate and those that have less even if it means that we forego some of our own hard-earned gains. It seems to me that their attitude is "what's mine is mine, don't touch, don't think about it and I am not sharing any of it". They kept on bringing up people that are getting unemployment and food stamps as if this was an enviable place to be in. They kept on referring to them as takers.
They love to blab on about the 5 or 10% richest in our society paying 70% or 90% of all taxes. It is such a ridiculous argument. If one makes $1,000,000 and pays $200,000 are they not better off than someone that makes $50,000 and pays $10,000 or something like that? Their argument is all about self-centredness. Sad.
Then they go on and on about taxes increasing all the time. They have absolute no field of reference. Try comparing your taxes here to what one pays in Canada or in Europe and then come back to me with that argument. LOL.
It makes me think of a certain individual that spends his day writing comments on the Greenville News website. His only argument is that liberals are this, liberal are that ad infinium. I once commented on that and he came back and offered more name-calling in his argument. It's like what's the point. They will never see the light from their caves.
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