So I just dropped H off at work and will start on laundry soon. I've tons of it to do. I made myself a pot of coffee and am working on mug number one. I just realized that I didn't have a single cup yesterday. My body must have been overtaken by some strange alien lifeform for me not to have a coffee yesterday. That just isn't right. Mind you I have dropped my caffeine intake since I stopped smoking. I need to drop some of my caloric intake now. LOL. Sure hope that StopaMinit sells MGD 64 for cheap. Ha!
Anyways when does a week start? In my mind it starts when my weekend ends which would mean Sunday night is the end of my week and Monday is the beginning of my week. For normal people who pay attention to calendars I would hazard the guess that Sunday is the start of the week. Why is that an issue in my mind anyways? Does it really make a difference? Probably not. I was just wondering as I was driving back home from Food Lion listening to "Sister Moonshine" by Supertramp in the car. Strange what pops into one's mind at times.
Earlier this week as I was walking back to my car in my work parking lot, I noticed a bumper sticker that said "when the rapture comes, this car will be empty". I just shook my head. My first thought was that I wouldn't see that up north on a bumper sticker. My second thought was which of the raptures will this be? Didn't we just have one? My third thought was how Christian of an act would that be assuming that a rapture would happen and said person would be driving this car with the bumper sticker and then disappear as he or she was driving leaving this car unattended or driverless possibly wreaking havoc on the roadway? Trying to get past that third thought. Doesn't work. I'm curious to see whose car that is. I noticed that it was parked in the handicapped area.
Starting mug number two. Yum. Don't get me started on handicapped parking spots. Okay they are needed. There are some people that truly have mobility issues and they need to have the option to park close to where they need to be. My issue though is that it seems here in SC you get a handicapped parking sticker for a three year time frame if you have stubbed your toe. It is unbelievable how many people have the stickers and when you see them get out of the car you don't notice any real physical infirmity. It seems that if your spouse has an issue you can get a sticker too. Now if you are a two car family you can have two stickers. This implies that the able-bodied spouse can use the handicapped sticker even if the other person isn't in the car. I have seen this over and over near handicapped parking spots. Maybe they need to come up with another pictogram for handicapped people. You have one for the mobility impaired and you have one for the brainwave impaired. For the latter you can a picture of someone's head and have a For Rent sign super-imposed where the person's brain should be.
Okay that felt good. It has bugged me forever. LOL. Okay I should get busy with stuff around the house now. Jinx/Jynx doesn't seem to want to help with the laundry. That darn cat!
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