So when I left the office tonight I had the best intentions to do this and do that. Well I got home and to paraphase a Pink Floyd song I decided "not now John, fuck all that, I gotta get to a trivia show." Like I said I paraphased somewhat.
Actually before trivia I have to get the young man aka H at GTech where is taking a calculus class tonight. Then I am off to trivia at the Zone. My hump day or evening reward.
What's on my mind? Hmmm. Well I got angry while driving today. Big surprise there. Not! Though today it just seemed worse than usual and that's saying something. I saw an idiot of the young male variety go from the outside lane on the left clear across two lanes to the right as if he was playing snakes and ladders as opposed to driving a car. This occurred on Pleasantburg as I was dropping H off at school at lunchtime.
Then on my way back to the office some young lady who may be related to Palin or Bachmann given the lack of common sense decided to cut across three lanes of traffic from left to right. In a normal world you move from one lane to another. In her effed up imaginary I'm an idiot world what she did was acceptable behaviour.
I just shake my head at times and wonder how shallow is the gene pool down here.
The best one though occured as I was driving H to school on Laurens and a lady at the age of collecting her pension decided to be on the road at the same time as other humanoids.
Picture the scene. Laurens Rd. Rainy misty day. 3 lanes going southbound. 3 lanes northbound. Lane in the middle is a turning lane. This lane is almost 2 cars wide. We're talking a big street. In a trendy place, this would be a boulevard. Here it is Friday night at demolition derby. LOL.
On the roads here I tend not to follow too closely. Other drivers scare the eff out of me. So I'm driving around 45 in the left lane. The speed limit and I am in the correct lane I would think. The Golden Girl in front of me decides that she needs to turn into some strip mall on the left on Laurens. So in her and I use the term loosely mind she decides to slow down to 20mph in the left lane. Then she decides she is going to go into the turning. So here I am behind her and all of a sudden I have to drop speed in half so that I can accomodate whatever thought crossed her mind. So she goes into the turning lane and then notices there is a car stopped to turn to their left in the opposite direction about 40-50 ft. away. So what does she decide to do? Come back into my lane no signal no care in the world because the brain activity is barely registering. I slam on my brakes, bang on the horn and give her the bright lights treatment all the while almost having a nervous breakdown dealing with this accident waiting to happen. Even H took my side there and he rarely does as he thinks all licensed Schlewing drivers have anger management issues. He's probably right. LOL. As I passed her I looked at her and saw a zombie. I'm sure she is one. No doubt about. She was in George Romero's movies. LOL.
Anyways that's it for now. I will be back later to blog perhaps. I have lots of thoughts on other things that amused as well as what the effed me today...
I think the clip art I used is perfect for being on the roads in Greenville and Simpsonville today O:)
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