So here I am on this quiet Saturday evening having a couple of Milwaukee's Best Ice and winding down my day. I was pretty quiet today and tonight. Made burgers on the grill. Picked H up at work. Watched a bit of the Navy-SC game. Watched a bit of the Cards-Phillies game. Sorted through more paperwork. More shredding in the garage.
I almost feel like I am making progress in eliminating the clutter in my life. For years and years I have been like a packrat with paperwork and I guess clothes as well. My mission in the last little while is to go through this stuff. Shred what isn't needed. Keep what is needed. Wash the clothes that still fit H and I and wash and sort the stuff that doesn't and bring it to a place where the needy can get it if they want.
About 15 minutes ago my sciatic issues popped up again. Dang that is annoying. Popped another pill just to get through the next couple of hours relatively pain-free. I am looking forward to my next massage. The massage therapist should loosen up my calf and hamstring nicely. I need to start doing more stretches as she pointed out. I am sure that it would help. Losing weight would also help I would think. I got on a scale earlier this week and I took my glasses off just to verify if what it said was what it actually was. Much to my chagrin it was.
Been spending the last hour or so listening and kind of viewing videos on YouTube. Trying to find songs that I haven't heard in forever and a day. Been listening to England Dan and John Ford Coley, Manic Street Preachers, old Paul McCartney and Wings, The Payolas, Max Webster, Kim Mitchell, Strange Advance and The Spoons.
I can't imagine a world or my world without music. It's been there for me to identify with, to understand things better, to bring joy and peace (okay that does sound a bit much but it is true), to calm me, soothe me and keep me company. Happening upon a song that describes what you think or what you feel about something is amazing. I instantly identify songs with key moments in my life. It's amazing how certain songs are so closely identified with a time, a place or a person in my life. I think that would make a great blog topic or two. Perhaps that will be the focus of my next blogs. There sure is lots of material there...
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