So I have a theory about Mondays. There is nothing good that ever happens on a Monday. Okay it isn't like I have all kinds of empirical data to back this up but I strongly feel that Mondays effing suck. I think that because of this one should never ever make any decisions of consequence on Monday because the wiring in one's brain is just not functioning correctly.
Earlier today I was talking with one of my colleagues who is involved in this scanning and electronic data project that we were both assigned to work on. She mentioned to me that she needs to go back to Ohio in three weeks for her niece's after the wedding wedding reception. Yes I know I put wedding twice in that sentence. It makes perfect sense even though it isn't nice to look at. Her niece is getting married the week before in Colorado and will have a wedding reception there but then she will have another a week later for the people that can't make it to the Colorado event. LOL. Complicated huh.
Anyways back to the Monday effing sucks theory; she then told me that she has to go to the Ohio reception even though she will be going to the Colorado event the week before. The reason that she has to do this is to meet up with her brothers to pre-plan their mother's funeral arrangements because her mother's health has taken a serious turn for the worse. Her eyes started tearing up as she told me that and then my eyes started tearing up as well.
When her Mother lived in Greenville, I would take the two of them for breakfast every once in a while so that they could get out of the house on the weekends. Her mother had suffered a stroke and was no longer able to drive and they were dependent on friends to get out and about. Her Mother loved or loves IHOP so on the odd Sunday mornings we would head over to the IHOP location on Wade Hampton. We would always make sure that we would go there while most people were at church to ensure that we would be able to get a seat right away at the restaurant. IHOP breakfast plates are massive and her tiny Mom would devour all of it. She would out-eat me. LOL.
Sunday brunch time here in Greenville after church services makes me think of Friday nights way back when on Crescent Street. Line-ups everywhere to get inside a bar. Here we get the line-ups after the 2nd church service on Sundays. I think that per capita the most sweet and unsweet tea is consumed in restaurants in Greenville, SC between 11am-1pm every Sunday of the month. LOL.
So back to my theory. More bad news on a Monday. Quelle surprise! What a surprise! A little over 9 years ago I found out on a Monday evening that my Mom had suffered a massive heart attack and that I needed to get myself up to Nova Scotia where she was living to say goodbye. I remember that phone call as if it happened yesterday.
So I don't have much back-up for my theory but I'm standing by my findings. Give me all of the other days of the week and y'all can keep your Mondays to yourself!!!
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