Sunday, July 28, 2013

Meanderings From A Middle-Aged Man Living In The Rain Belt (07/27/13)...

So this might be longest blog title that I have used so far. Suffice to say that one day when I blank on a new blog title I will just add the word "More" to this title and I will have a new champion of letters used in a blog title. Hehe!

As is often the case when I am up and at 'em early I do lots of news web surfing about places I have lived and places I have visited. While on the website which covers news and happenings in Pictou County, Nova Scotia. This is an area of NS that I visited often with Harrison when he was a pre-teen as my Mom had moved there after I moved here. I saw an item on the Westville Drive-in being repurposed. I just typed the word repurposed and it has squiggly red lines underneath it which in my world means the word doesn't even effing exist. In normal English which many of us in North America speak if we grew up with English as our first language; the imaginary word "repurposed" means closed. You know closed and all of its six letters would have fit in just nicely and be way more effing concise and truthful in the headline rather than an imaginary word that obfuscates and almost deceives.

You know I understand Sobey (the grocery and real estate conglomerate) selling their movie theatre and drive-in assets for a tidy sum. That is capitalism and it can be rewarding for the shareholders. That's how things work in our economic system. I can even understand the new owners of that piece of property deciding that they can make more money with the drive-in real estate assets by changing its function to something else. I am not sure what it is going to be used for in its next incarnation and if memory serves me correctly there is quite a bit of underutilized land in the county. Maybe the fact that it is leveled makes it easier to use than some undeveloped nearby property. Anyways it is the new owners choice.

What I really didn't like about the story was that the news division of this paper could have just taken the press release from Sobey and Cineplex Entertainment (new owners) and just classify it as a paid ad for all the "probing" journalism the article contained. No one from the News really questioned what is going to happen to the 65 jobs that are going to disappear with this "repurposing". That is a news story to follow. What's the next headline? Those 65 jobs have been "right-sized". More corporation gobbledygook. Why don't they just say that 65 people are going to lose their jobs if Sobey can't find them new positions in the non-theatre assets in Stellarton. That would be honest journalism. Repurpose that you gutless lackeys.

I have good memories of that drive-in and going there with Harrison a few times. Reading about its impending closure obviously bugged me and seeing the wording in the article really peeved me. Yeah I know I am restating the obvious. LOL.

That's it for now. Remember to keep rocking and rolling and singalong to the songs that make you feel. Peace out!

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