Surprisingly I am awake and coherent enough to start typing away after about 4 hours of sleep last night. I would not bet against me having a nap at some point later this morning or early afternoon. That would be a sure loss.
That would be like betting against opening up the comments section on the local news websites and not seeing racism and hatred passing off as commentary by the brain dead.
I have a theory that all those books, shows and movies about the un-dead or zombies are first person accounts of real-life encounters in the Upstate. Fortunately I see enough good people in my day to day life or on my volunteering opportunities that they outnumber the morons that spew their bile and hatred on the local news websites.
Oof. I need another Kahlua coffee and a happy pill this morning!
Looking forward to indulging in some more good beers (that have water content) tonight at Aloft 2013 and seeing the Sister Hazel / Third Eye Blind show. I checked out a recent setlist and I will be a happy camper if they follow the same for this show. I heard that a recent show at Nationals Park they included a cover version of Zep's Stairway. That would be pretty cool to hear live.
Spent some time reading up on my Nationals this morning. This season is huge letdown after last year's amazing run. I keep reading from management and the players that the season is young. Well they are rapidly approaching the 1/3 mark of the season (sometime next week) and it doesn't look good when they are chasing Atlanta (5 and 1/2 games back) who are winning often and winning late even though the Braves have little production out of their 2nd basemen and their right and center fielders. They have had to deal with the adversity of injuries as much as we have yet they are finding the wherewithal to win games. Looks like I will head down to Atlanta next weekend as my Nats will be at the TED. I need to check StubHub to see what they have available for Saturday and Sunday.
It doesn't look any prettier when you look at the wild card standings where the Nats are looking up at least at 4 teams above them. I was buying hook, line and sinker what the pre-season prognosticators predicted with a Nats-Tigers World Series. Hahahaha.
I think that today I will finally start on part two of the greening of my little piece of Schlewingstan. I have done pretty much all I can do out front and on the sides. Just need to keep watering and weeding when they pop up as I am sure that they will do. They are hardy annoying little buggers.
There is a chance that I will go into super lazy mode and start reading one of the five books I picked up yesterday morning at Mr. K's on Laurens and Verdae. If I even go near the couch; the greening will be put off until tomorrow.
Okay fellow rock and rollers it is time for me to make some homemade egg burritos for breakspass as Harrison used to call it when he was a year or two old. Peace out!
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