Okay the title of the blog is a wee bit sarcastic. Imagine that me, I, Marc Schlewing being sarcastic. Hell hath frozen over! LOL.
I haven't done all that much today though it is only 246pm so I have opportunities galore to change all that. I will have to slow down on the real beer intake though if I have any intention of being a semi-productive today.
Today's beer of choice is brewed out of Asheville, NC by the Highland Brewing Company. It's a seasonal India Pale Ale called "Devil's Britches". Can't go wrong just by the name. It is the beer choice of all Satan worshipers and people that think that any Budweiser or Miller-Coors beer is swill.
The label describes the beer as having an Ashburne Mild malt producing a toasted and biscuity flavor and that the Extra Special malt renders an alluring red hue. All this with a 6% ABV. Okay whatever! I feel like an effing English major after using the words toasted, biscuity and alluring in the same sentence. Schlewing's take is that the beer tastes darn good and is well worth the $16.99 I paid for a case of 12 at Green's last week.
I also noticed on the label that I need to not operate heavy machinery while imbibing this beer and I should not get pregnant either. I would have to have sex to get pregnant wouldn't I? Actually with advances in science nowadays I can skip the sex part as anything is possible with Science at least until Republicans outlaw it as being blasphemous and being against God. Kind of like their thoughts on enlightened thinking. I better look into in-vitro real soon. LOL.
Anyways back to my productivity levels of this 20th day of May. I have a load of honkies (aka as whites) in the dryer waiting to be folded. This implies that I actually put a load of laundry in the washer earlier today. Though there is no video depicting this Herculean effort on my part; it's true, it's true I loaded the washer up a couple of hours ago. Please stay seated and no applause needed. Smiles.
That pretty much sums up what I have done so far today.
Although for breakfast slash lunch I walked to the kitchen and I zapped some leftover beef lo mein, beef and broccoli and white rice that I had picked up from Lin Gardens on W. Georgia Rd yesterday afternoon.
Oh I also scratched the cats' bellies and heads as they were looking for affection at different points in time today. Thank goodness they are on different schedules as it would get complicated having to use both arms at the same time. That would be like real exercise and we can't have that!
Okay the dryer has stopped. I need to start folding or else I will need to iron stuff and I will re-wash stuff before I use an iron again!
Peace out Muse lovers! Back later.
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