So here we're on the eve of the holidays starting with it being the 17th and I have just dropped off my son Harrison with my buddy Lou so that my young man can spend time with his Mom this holiday season up in Montreal. Lou and his family are heading up to Montreal for Christmas. I'm spending the week here for the first time in 10 years to spend it with Jackie and her family. This will be the first one that I spend with Jackie and her family and I think we are about to embark on a new tradition. I smiled as I typed this!
The reason for the blog though is that this will be one of the first ever Christmases that Harrison won't be nearby for Christmas Day. It is definitely the first time since I lost my Mom back in July 2002 so it will be weird. Ever since that day, Christmas has been spent with my sister Chantal and the rest of the family up in Laval. It won't be like that this year. That saddens me! Cue the tears. LOL. Seriously I am misty-eyed.
Anyways back to dropping Harrison off. Just before leaving him I gave him a hug and told him I love him and that started getting me misty-eyed. I don't do that often enough. Hug and tell him I love him. Is it some misplaced male machismo that does not allow me to do that? Is it my hoping that my actions on a day to day basis absolve me from vocalising these thoughts? I don't know.
All I do know right now is that I will miss Harrison over the next 10 days or so. I will have fun with Jackie and her children but at the same time a very important piece of me will be missing.