Being a democrat in SC can be likened to fighting for a lost cause or a definition of insanity which states repeating the same behaviour and expecting different results.
The unemployment rate when I moved here in August 1999 was 4.4%. When Jim Hodges the Democratic governor lost the election in November 2002 it stood at 6.2%. Eight years later after the Republican Mark Sanford (well known for hiking trails in the Appalachian foothills of Argentina) left his office in November 2010 the rate stood at 10.8%. Okay he is still in power til January 2011 but what exactly will he do in the next couple of months? Perhaps he will go skiing in those same Appalachian foothills of Argentina.
Hmmm Jim Demint has been the junior senator from SC since 2005. When he showed up for his senate office in January 2005 the unemployment rate stood at 6.5%. Do I detect a pattern here? Nah I must be wrong after all we just voted Demint back in rather easily because after all he does much good for our state. I'm sure he does. Someone who knows all the good that he does for the state will no doubt enlighten me on this fact. I won't hold my breath mind you. I could be waiting for awhile.
Hmmm we voted in Nikki Haley for governor as a Republican. After all she did as well as Sanford and Demint in bringing prosperity to our fair state. She's been sitting in the State house since 2004 as well. Her record stands on its own. LOL.
I think in this state it doesn't make a difference if you don't have a pulse or an original thought; all you need is a capital R after your name and you're in like Flynn.
Kind of sad I think.
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