So the issue troubling the nation at this time per the GOP is the funding of National Public Radio (NPR) and the funding of Planned Parenthood. This seems to be the case for the rising star of the GOP Mike Pence. You would think that having an unemployment rate of 9.9% as of October 2010 in the state of Indiana which he happens to supposedly represent would be a little more important.
According to the Planned Parenthood website this organization has been around more than 90 years and part of their mission is to help inform us about things like "vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of women, men, and young people worldwide."
So this is money wasted supporting this kind of organization. After all the dreaded abortion word shows up on the Planned Parenthood website. I haven't checked but maybe the dreaded homosexual word shows up there as well. LOL. What a joke!
Does the thinking of a typical GOP member ever evolve or take into account that we are now in the 21st century and that maybe the viewpoint of a 40+ white male hasn't exactly brought us exactly to that ideal place?
I think not! Then again I am one of those dang liberals.
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