Or is that Yinglingdingting? Hmmm. Another one of life's conundrums! So what the heck am I babbling about one may ask? This is an inside joke. Actually it is so inside that I am probably the only person that knows this joke. LOL. Okay that is messed up.
Here's the back story. I tend to not have a favorite beer. I will pretty much buy any beer though I tend to stay away from the cheapest much like I stay away from the most expensive ones. Anyways I used to be on Myspace and Facebook a lot and I used to update my status at times with the beverage of choice that I was imbibing at the time of my site visit. More often than not I was name-dropping the coffee I was enjoying. When it wasn't about coffee I would mention the beer that I was enjoying. The love of my life (Jackie M.) has a fav cheap beer and that is Yuengling. My Yinglingtingding is a stab at humour. LOL. Humor for you Yanks. I never know how to type this brand name so I add rhymes to it. Call me a very middle aged out of touch rapper why don't ya! I think lots of people would be erroneous in the spelling of this traditional lager. LOL. I am sure I am not the only one.
So why am I typing about that beer from Pottstown, Pa. Well here's why for those with inquisitive minds. Jackie is at the Detroit airport right now and on her way to KC for a three-day training session in becoming a scrum master. LOL. Scrum not scrub master. She's already a scrub master. LOL. This is coming from my perspective mind you so this may not hold much water as I am not exactly a neat person.
Whereas I am sitting on my deck (upper deck that is) in wonderful Simpsonville, SC listening to a classic rock station on TV while drinking a couple of Yuenglings and rambling nonsensically about a word that rhymes with ting ding sing wing! I think I just invented a new item on a Chinese food menu!
So I am on my upper deck, typing away and making sure that Jinx/Jynx is still near me and not chasing some flies. I am waiting for Harrison, Eean, Mark and Alex to come back from their frisbee golf adventure before I cook supper for everyone. I think it is time to play some poker.
I'll be blogging again real soon. I miss it.
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