Well I have not been exactly prolific in the last month or so on here. Have I? Yes that is a rhetorical question. No answering back required. Thank you very much. For some strange reason my blog when I am not updating regularly is more popular in Russia than it is back here stateside.
Instead of blogging in the middle of the night like I usually do when I wake up at 2am or 3am; I have been reading lots and lots of fiction. No not the fiction that the Republicans in the this country actually do any good. That would be considered fantasy I think. I have been going through my latest 8-9 books that I have bought at used bookstores and have been catching up on baseball news as spring training has started.
The Schlewing household has a new addition. Her name is BooBoo and she is a 6 yr. old cat that my ex-manager has been asking me to take for the last 3 or 4 months as they have a bunch of puppies that have overtaken their house. BooBoo compared to our 12 yr. old tabby Jynx/Jinx is one amazing athlete. This cat likes heights. I keep finding evidence of her adventures near the highest points in the house. Places like the cupboards in the kitchen, the fireplace mantle (Michelin Man in the snow globe is now broken), dining room table, bathroom counters, wall unit shelves and one of her favorite spots which is the top of the fridge where she scared the living bejesus out of me the first time when I went in the fridge to grab a cold one after work. Harrison had a good laugh at my expense that first time as he had seen her but I didn't. In retrospect it was hilarious. This is a pic of her at her favorite spot in the house. I will have to learn how to use my droid camera without the flash. LOL. Yes that is fish oil tablets, sunscreen and candles. Yeah yeah I am getting old. Or am old. Whatever.

Been to a couple of Road Warrior games in the last month or so. I keep wanting to call them the Grrrowl like the previous incarnation of the team but they're really called a wrestling tag team name. As OMC sang in the 80s "How Bizarre".
I bought couple of tickets for the Darius Rucker show at the local amphitheater at the end of May. That is a sure sign of summer when they start booking shows there. Harrison got himself some tickets for Flaming Lips / Black Keys show at the same venue a little bit later in the season.
I am looking forward to the concert acts that will be named in the coming weeks for the Aloft 2013 Memorial Day weekend. This event is pretty darn cool and was until this year called Freedom Weekend Aloft. I saw an amazing Eddie Money performance there last year which I blogged about in June of last year I believe it was. I'd like to see a show with Cheap Trick or someone like that this year. That would be pretty darn cool! Last time I saw them was the Dream Police tour way back in the last century.
Okay I have some groceries to get. Going to make some guacamole and I am short a tomato or two and going to make a chicken breast egg noodle casserole thing for supper tonight and I may be missing an ingredient I believe.
I'll be back.
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