So we are getting real close to starting the 2nd quarter of the year and looking back it seems that I haven't done much so far besides perhaps cleaning up my backyard pretty nice though I still have some to do. I will likely finish that up this Saturday and Sunday if the weather holds out. It will at least be milder.
I was re-reading this blog for typos and I realized that I am so accountant-like. Rapidly approaching the end of the 1st quarter. LOL. Normal peeps would say something about spring being sprung and here I am dropping fractions at the drop of a hat.
I did start planning a nice week off at Sanibel Island at the end of June. I have the condo reserved, a deposit down and beach chair at the ready. Between now and then I need to get a beer cooler. Well a larger one at least!
It might be a good idea to lose some weight between now and then because NASA may be reporting white whale sightings off Sanibel and Captiva in late June. NASA would have had they still a budget! So I guess I am safe! LOL. Seriously though I made the great choice to quit smoking 3 years ago but since then my metabolism has slowed down to the same rate as the average rate of brain activity in a typical Republican in the year 2013. Yes pretty much non-existent.
I was thinking about it this morning as I got dressed for the office that my wardrobe is really lacking in clothes that still fit me somewhat. One of my co-workers actually said that I looked dressed up today and looked sharp. Truth in fact I had just come back from getting my head shaved and was wearing decent fitting clothes that was a step above my usual shorts and T attire or short sleeves and khaki attire.
I picked up H at school at 5 and forewarned him that we were going to stop for some cold beers and nachos at Bailey's. It was sort of a reward for almost getting to the almost end of the work week as well as it being sunny and in the 60s which hasn't been seen here in the last couple of weeks.
As I had Led Zep's Celebration Day blasting on the car stereo with the windows down; the usual drive home conversation would have to wait until we reached Bailey's as Zep's Kashmir was on the player.
Once we got our large ice cold Yuengling drafts with nachos on the way our conversations took off. Either we have the attention spans of amoeba or we just like to wander when we converse which explains the way I write these blogs and the meandering that I do.
Inside of an hour we had talked about the Boston Bruins, Pittsburgh Penguins and the Montreal Canadiens. We touched upon his paternal grandmother and his maternal grandmother. We hit upon his long distance charges on my cell phone bill as well as how many gigs his Pandora usage is on our shared date usage plan with Verizon. Shared? Ha kind of like Romney/Ryan's economic plan. Sharing my effing derriere. We then segued into bad draft beer tap choices at Bailey's which led into conversation riffs on the drum skills of Jason Bonham, Keith Moon and the Mike dude from Dream Theater. That led us into a conversation about John Entwhistle's bass playing as well as the bass players from Muse and Kasabian. Then we went into a conversation about Chia Pets that would grow into "Jesus" look-alikes and how that would be a big seller in SC. Then the conversation turned to how I can never keep track of his friends besides Eean, Matt, Sam and Aaron I guess. Turns out that he has four friends name Nick. It's like what the eff! Is there that many people that name their sons after a gambler or a Russian czar. We then talked about the cons of jalapenos being drowned in some vinegary solution pretty much guaranteeing that they lose all their sizzle. We also of course had the obligatory "Dad you are such a doofus" moment when I asked him about the bass and keyboard player that are quite invisible in Black Keys videos. Turns out the the guitarist plays those instruments as well so they only have touring keyboard and bass players so the group could be called Two Black Keys and that would be apropos.
Hmmm. Well I went off on another tangent here as I am wont to do at times. I have also lost my train of thought as I have the last ten minutes scratching Jinx Jynx's tummy so I am going to sign off for now and try to be a little less scattered the next time. Ha!
Peace out!
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