Sunday, April 1, 2012

Spring Cleaning Of Sorts

Since getting up early this morning to bring H to work, I figured that I should start cleaning up around the house. Kind of a spring cleaning of sorts. Now in Schlewing's World there tends to be some dilly-dallying as I go about cleaning. The number one rule is that I have to music on while I am doing this. So I got the 70s station on Music Choice going since about 8am or so. Brewed some fresh coffee and then quickly wrote some thoughts on that phenomenal Dire Straits song.

Since then I've sorted through the piles of newspapers in the dining room and did triage to get the crosswords out before scrapping the rest. I then emptied and refilled the dishwasher and will need to empty it out in a little bit. I did the pots and pans in the sink using some dollar store dishwashing liquid. I should really test out the quality of the cheap liquid vis-a-vis the national brands. It seems to me that the soap suds last 5 minutes at best with the cheap stuff and then I feel that I am washing in grease water. Ugh that is a disturbing vision. Not quite as bad of a vision as one of a naked Republican male though. Ha!

Okay back to the topic at hand Schliv. I then started on a load of laundry. Whites needed to be done. I then headed outside to my deck to sweep it off good. In the last week my deck has been attacked by green fluffy polleny stuff. I am not even sure where it comes from. All I know is that there is lots floating around. This is the stuff that ends up on cars in the Upstate in the month of April. That's when pretty much any vehicle that is outside for part of the day gets this lovely green film of pollen all over it. So I finished that and then decide to start pulling more weeds that are on what passes for my lawn on the left side of the house. I have this patch of what used to be mostly grass about 6-8 feet wide to 20 feet long that has been taken over by weeds. I just filled about 3/4 of a 13 gallon garbage bag with this stuff. Yuck. This is the 3rd bag I have done since a couple weekends ago. I can actually see the end of this task. I just decided to take a break as my glasses were getting fogged up from the sweat dripping off the top of my head. I need to lose weight. It's getting critical. I decided to take a break and reward my hard work with a Samuel Adams "Mighty Oak Ale". Good tasting beer. Okay I think my break is up. I still have lots to do around the house. No more dilly dallying and typing. LOL. Well for now.

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