Saturday, January 21, 2012

I'm Back Typing Over And Out

I have been remiss in posting my blah-blah-blogs so far this year. It just seems that I have been super-busy and have not had much time to spring upon the world more semi-coherent thoughts from the TC perspective. Note that I typed TC not PC. TC is my nickname according to J. She wanted to give me a nickname that didn't contain any vowels because she knows of my intense dislike for AEIOU and sometimes Y. I'm kidding of course. TC stands for Tall Canadian. I kind of like that nick at least until I start shrinking in my old age where it will then become UTBTC as in "Used To Be TC". LOL. I amuse myself with my thought process sometimes. O:)

Anyways I just going to babble a bit online this morning. Been pretty darn productive so far. Went to bank and made my car payment and avoided a late charge. LOL. It would be so much easier if I would just enroll online to pay that loan off. Thing is, it is the only thing I do with the TD Bank so it would seem kind of odd to pay my loan online from another bank. Remember this is TC world we are talking a boot of Italy.

Saw B at Massage Envy for my monthly try to fix my rapidly expanding bod of mine. She asked me today if we are tall like me from Canada. LOL. This has something to do with my feet hanging off the massage table I think. Anyhow I feel much looser now though my right hammy still bugs me and it doesn't take long to "Tighten Up" as Archie Bells and the Drells once sang. Used to hear that song all the time on "The Electric Lunch Hour" back in the day when I had hair.

Went home after that. Emptied the dishwasher, lit some candles and chopped some veggies up for a spaghetti sauce I am making. Turns out I didn't have to drive the prodigal son to work as he has a ride. He's got a 9 and 1/2 hr. shift again at the store. He's a pretty good kid and I am quite proud of him!

So that's it for now. Time to check on the sauce and read up on euchre. J and I are invited to a card party tonite. I don't think I have ever played euchre before. I may be as bad at that game as the Habs are on most nights. LOL.

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