Okay made it back to my computer finally. H has his new glasses. They look great on him. I need to get a pic of him on here with 'em. Especially considering that he recently got his haircut so you can actually see his face.
So we did that and then both did a little banking then headed over to Waffle House for an 11:30 breakfast. Welcome to H. Schlewing's World. Breakfast at 11:30am. LOL. The only available seats in the place were in the smoking section. Ugh. I wouldn't have sat in that section 18 months ago when I was smoking and here I am 600 days or so after quitting sitting in the smoking section. H liked it as he promptly lit up. Ugh. Double Ugh. It isn't like I have much of an argument after setting a bad example for 95% of his lifetime. I couldn't eat fast enough to get out of that place. I was surrounded by smokers. Now I know what I made people endure back in the day when I smoked. Sorry people.
I dropped H at Food Lion for his 6 hr. shift and then went outside and raked some leafs or leaves in the front when J and A dropped by to hang some Christmas lights around my garage door. I am looking forward to seeing what they look like later on when it gets dark. It should be pretty nice. I don't think they will be visble from outer space though.
Next year I am going big-time on the light display. LOL. I wonder how my neighbors would react. On the right it is a Muslim family. Nice people. Next time I buy a car I should drop in and see him if I can a good deal on a Chrysler. He's the manager at the Spartanburg location. At least I think he is the manager there. I see him on the TV ads all the time. I think it is pretty darn cool that their ads feature a Muslim guy and a black guy. I guess I should say African-American guy shouldn't I? I'm wondering though would I call my ex-landlords growing up in Chomedey African-Canadians. Political correctness at times frustrates me.
Anyways back to the coolness of the ads that they run. The reason I say this is that South Carolina and Greenville in some cases has not exactly been known as a hotbed of racial tolerance in 20th century thinking. Uh oh going to lose a few readers here and possibly some Facebook friends after that comment. Whatever! I think that it is cool that this Chrysler dealership is running these ads all over the place.
Boy oh boy I run off on some tangents sometimes. LOL. Originally I was going to comment on the trades that my teams made yesterday.
First off my Habs traded Jaroslav Spacek who had less than a year left on his contract for Tomas Kaberle. At this moment I would like to paraphrase Jim Mora from his famous press conference. In case you don't know about this event. Here's a link to the abridged press conference:
If I was at a press conference and asked about this trade I would use the word Kaberle each time that Mora used playoffs in the clip and use the same tone as Mora used. Classic.
I don't pretend to be an expert on the Habs or the NHL but this trade makes no sense whatsover. Kaberle has 9 points (no goals) so far this year and is -12 even strength. Late last year the Bruins traded for him to help as an offensive-minded defenseman. By the 3rd round of the playoffs he was their 5th defenseman. He's had a great career however he's on the downside now. He has another 2 years to go on his contract at over $4,000,000 per. So he and Gomez are tied to the Habs for a couple more years. Sheesh. Doesn't make sense. Basically he will be taking away ice time from the young guys like Emelin, Diaz, Weber and St-Denis. I think that this season is a lost cause unless we are striving for mediocrity. We have too many players that don't show up every game. We also have a coach that I think the players have stopped listening to as things have gone bad. I would much rather see the Habs play firewagon hockey taking advantage of their speed assets than the boring defensive trap style favored by Jacques Martin.
Tomorrow I will have to give my two cents worth on the Perry-Ballester trade.
Anyways enough typing for now. I have a Christmas soiree to attend at a Nova Scotians' house. Back here tomorrow. Same bat time same bat channel. As part I started with so it begins, I should follow up with so it ends. Smiles.
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