Okay I am about to pop a "it's not pizza, it's a Digiorno" into the oven as soon as it reaches 400 degrees and I figured I would get back online and type some more. Just popped into the CD player Bob Seger's "Live Bullet". Try typing and not singing along while listening to this album, or even toe-tapping; not bloody likely I tell you! Oh man "Travelin' Man" just started. Bow your head and defer to greatness. What a song!
So earlier today I went into lazy mode. I know big surprise there. My being lazy on a weekend. I could have been outside raking leafs or leaves. Which word is it anyways? I will have to look it up one day. Nevertheless I am pretty darn sure that they will be there tomorrow. The song just sequed into "Beautiful Loser". Still genuflecting before greatness! Anwyays back to the fall foliage on my lawn. There's lots of it. They may even reconvene or restart the neighborhood association and their first order of business will be the Schlewing lawn on Chinaberry Lane. LOL.
Anyways rather than being constructive I decided to watch Brian DePalma's "The Untouchables" which was playing on the Biography station. I had never seen this movie released back in 1987 which is kind of surprising because Kevin Costner is one of my favorite actors. I was one of the few that actually loved "Waterworld". Hey Jeanne Triplehorn was in that movie as well and I was kind of enamored with her for awhile. Okay back to Kevin Costner; "Field of Dreams" is in my top three films of all-time.
So anyways laziness beckoned and I laid down on my couch that Jynx/Jinx has pawed and scratched to death and decided to watch this movie even though it was playing on a commercial station with inopportune commercial break after commercial break. Turns out 20% of the running time or 30 minutes was commercials. Sheesh.
Oh man "Turn The Page" has just started. I have to pause. I can't think and type and singalong to this song at the same time. I am man and I can't multitask. Back in 5m1s.
Hmmmm. Okay fast forward to Monday as I am continuing this blog from yesterday. So anyways I finally watched "The Untouchables". Great cast with Costner, De Niro, Connery and Garcia among others. Even with all the commercials it was an entertaining way to spend a couple of hours.
It was interesting drive back home from work. I am not used to seeing fog at 6pm. 6am yes but not at rush hour. It did slow things down somewhat but then again it doesn't make to slow things down on the roads here.
I better stop here. I've got to figure out what to make for supper tonight. I think it will be fish with some rice and perhaps broccoli. That is reasonably healthy I think.
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