Saturday, December 22, 2012

Saturday Morning 7am

So I am wide awake on a Saturday morning slightly before 7am and already having coffee number two and pecking away on the keyboard. This is a sign that obviously I did not partake in any spirits of the material world (ha Police song reference) last night. The biggest adventure I had last night was having a huge bowl of the last of my homemade chicken noodle soup at around midnight as I was listening to The Drive's Deep Tracks while catching up on baseball news around MLB.

I tell you what as one of my former managers used to say. That's what he used to say. I tell you what. I still think that doesn't make any sense. I tell you what. It sounds like a line that would fit right in the old Abbott & Costello "Who's on First" routine.

Okay there I went off the rails again. What I meant to segue to after my first paragraph was how much I enjoy listening to The Drive's Deep Tracks. Where else will I get to hear in a half hour songs like Led Zeppelin's "Thank You", U2 and B.B. King's "When Love Comes To Town", Joe Jackson's "It's Different For Girls" and Journey's "Walks Like A Lady". Nowhere else I tell you except perhaps in my tape and CD collection. Like now Cream's "Tales Of Brave Ulysses" is rocking my world as I type this up. So cool!

Anyways I caught Wayne LaPierre's presser yesterday online after I came home from work and it boggles the mind that this man and the organization (the NRA) that he supposedly was speaking for are this out of touch, obtuse and cold-hearted. I am sure that there are some sane-minded individuals in the NRA that are absolutely appalled by what LaPierre stated yesterday. In a nutshell his answer is that more guns are required. It's ludicrous!

Early on Friday morning I saw a story in my local newspaper that stated that my governor Nikki Haley thought the issue at hand is not some sort of meaningful gun control but better mental health screening. I commented on the editorial page that this was basically an empty gesture as her government doesn't really want to increase spending in a meaningful way there. Basically I stated on this editorial page that he comment made as little sense as Trey Gowdy's comment the day before. He's the representative for this area in the House.

You should have seen the vitriol thrown my way on this editorial page by small-minded infantile men suffering from penis envy hiding behind some computer screen using some made up Facebook ID with some avatar as their picture likely with some made-up pretend name so that the world can not identify these people as part of the problem rather than part of the solution.

The major part of their defense can be likened to the behavior of a baby that has had their pacifier or rattle taken away from them. These dips are worried that some left-wing or dare I say liberal posse will invade their abode and confiscate their guns (their pacifiers and rattles).

In the annals of time has there ever been a left-wing or liberal cabal gone door to door infringing on people's rights? I don't think so. This seems to happen way more on their side of the political spectrum. It wasn't that long ago that lynch mobs were commonplace in this state or area. It wasn't that long ago that there were laws about who can use what restroom where in this state.

The thing is that there does not seem to be a way of sanely discussing this topic with them because they are represented by the LaPierre's and the hiding behind some lame ass avatar dips of the world.

Hmm. So I went from listening to great songs to a little rant about Wayne LaPierre and his ilk. Dang! I rarely know where these fingers of mine are going to end up on a keyboard when I sit down here.

Almost time for my monthly massage. Yay. Going out for a late breakfast after that with a co-worker. I can see a western omelet in my near future. Time for coffee number three. Peace!

1 comment:

  1. I was re-reading my post to see how many typos I had and just below my post is an advert asking me to tell congress to support the 2nd amendment. LOL. I think Google ads placement thingee is out of whack let's say the distance between the moon and the earth. LOL.
