So it's cloudy, somewhat rainy June summer day here and all of a sudden the urge to hunt and peck on my keyboard came upon me. I've noticed that it's been a while since I last typed on here.
It takes some discipline for me to type regularly on here. It isn't that I am at shortage for words because those that really know me; they would say that I can be rather chatty. I think that many of ramblings on here occur in the middle of the night when I am not able to sleep. Lately I have been trying to avoid using electronics like computers or TVs in the middle of the night because I read somewhere that these devices act as waker- uppers for the brain at night. In other words if you avoid 'em your brain is calmer and you can sleep better. Ha! Not bloody likely. I wake up every night at 2 or 3 am it seems. Just like to point out that I read that waker-upper thing on the internet so therefore it must be true. LOL.
Anyways I guess we are three weeks into summer here in the Upstate. A sure sign of it being here is when the younger kids got out of school ten days ago I guess. Sure helps cutting down on morning traffic. Now if I can only calm down somewhat on these drives into work. "Cris de calis" comes into my vocabulary way too often on these drives.
Summer has started off busy so far. I will likely delve into the following events in some blogs to come in which J and I have partaken in since the Memorial Day weekend. There's been lots of grilling (her place and my place). There have been a couple of forays downtown for Main Street Fridays. There have been dining experiences at Greek Fest, TakoSushi, Chicora Alley, Wasabi and Tequilas. We've seen the hot air balloons fly over my house and decide to land in fields and streets right nearby. There was the Eddie Money concert from a couple of weeks ago as well as the 3 Doors Down / ZZ Top concert this past week. Tomorrow will be fun as we are heading down to Atlanta to catch the Yankees and Braves play. Hopefully the rain will hold off. H is off to Pictou County, NS in a week or so to visit his grandfather. I am off to Niagara Falls, On soon for some meetings. I think that this is my 3rd stay at the Falls in the last five years. Weird lived in Canada for 37+ years and never saw the Falls. Been down here and I have been there at least 3 times in the last little while.
Mixed into all of this good stuff was reading that a dear friend of mine from Montreal passed away a couple of weeks ago at the young age of 57. I know that I will devote a blog to the memory of my friend Ted Lukasiewicz real soon. He played a key part in a big turnaround that occurred in my life when I was 27 years old. It's still too hard for me to type about the passing of Ted without losing focus and starting to cry. I'm sure that writing about Ted will help though.
Okay on that note I've lost my train of thought. I'm going to prep supper. Grilling some more steaks tonight. Be back soon.
An odd way to learn about Ted's passing. I knew him when he was at York University back in the mid-70's. Always a funny and engaging guy. Hadn't thought of him in many years and just happened to google his name with these sad results. RIP Ted.
ReplyDeleteThat is kind of the way I found about it myself. He was a good guy!
DeleteI haven't heard of Ted in more than 30 years. Heard that he had gone back to being a merchant seaman. A very dry wit when I knew him. If you have any details that you could send me about his passing, email me at rbb@mail.interhop.net.