So this past Friday (the 8th) was J's birthday and I ran out of ideas on what to get her after recent perfume purchases. I remembered that it was "Opium" for Mother's Day after forgetting that five letter word at Christmas when I bought her "Chloe".
It had been over a year since I last had bought her some so I kind of forgot or one could say I completely forgot that "Opium" is her favorite. Okay my memory sucks for certain things. Actually I have a great memory it's just that sometimes I recall things a few days or weeks later. Not too handy of a skill. I knew when I had gotten the bottle of "Chloe" that it didn't feel right but rather than walk out of that store empty-handed I thought maybe I was just losing my mind.
Recent purchases had been books that she really wanted or music CDs I thought that she would like or that cool Keurig single cup coffee thingee. Little did I know that the single cup coffee things are ridiculously expensive even for a spendthrift like me.
Even bought her a power tool last year. Some sort of cordless drill that she ooh-ed and aah-ed about on one of her Lowe's trips. It surely wasn't my Lowe's trip. My walking in there is like sitting through one of H's engineering classes. I don't have an effing clue what's going on or what the eff I am looking at. I am like a doe, a deer, a female deer in headlights. LOL. I was truly laughing when I wrote that.
Anyways here I was June 7th; one day before her big day and all I could think of was getting her some Lady Antebellum tickets for their concert here in a couple of weeks with Darius Rucker and Thompson Square. Sadly they didn't have any pairs of tickets left. They had singles but nothing next to each other. Even went down to the BiLo Center box office and got that same answer live in person. I guess the younger lady behind the glass was not duly impressed by this Canadian's predicament because she kept on showing me a map of where the single seats were as if that would work. LOL.
So J and made our Friday evening (her b-day) plans and then Shazam I got an idea! Ouch that hurt by the way! My having an original thought. I knew that J's beloved Yankees were coming into Atlanta for a 3-day set starting on Monday. I figured that would be a good b-day present for her. Getting her tickets for one of the games.
Given that they were coming in on a weekday and Atlanta being 150 miles or so away I figured I would give her the option on which game we'd go see. We talked about it a bit on Friday and it was decided that Monday's game would be the best bet around our work schedules and parental responsibilities. Well hers anyways. H is happy any night that he has free rein at the house. LOL.
So when we got back to J's house I went a-searching for some tickets on MLB.com but then I got completely effing annoyed with Ticketmaster scamming a$$ prices for crap a$$ seats. I hate paying $12 to $20 in fees for each ticket to Ticketmaster or LiveNation. It is a total "cochonerie" paying this monopolistic fee. They aren't doing me $12 to $20 of favors per ticket by my purchasing seats on their site. Not helping my serenity either was the fact that the available seats weren't eggsactly primo deluxe either.

So off I went onto StubHub's website. Imagine my surprise by my finding two seats 12 rows up down the left field line (Yankees side) where the relief pitchers would be warming up at the Big O for a quite reasonable price. Okay the Big O reference probably doesn't mean much to those reading this blog. Let's put it this way. Raul Ibanez who starts in left field for the Yankees against righties plays deeper down the line when the opposing pitcher is at bat than where our seats were located. The seats were darn good! I didn't mind the fee either which was cheaper than the Ticketmaster fee. I may have paid above face value for the seats. It didn't matter as the Ticketmaster seats were more expensive and their location wasn't very good. Go figure!
Darn this is going to be a long blog. Thank Gawd that I have YouTube on play all mode.
So picked up J at her place at around 330 after filling up my tank for the 150 mile drive to Turner Field. Easy drive from Simpsonville/Mauldin. Take interstate 85 south until the Turner Field exit. Easy as pie. Whatever that means. LOL.
We did great time until about a few miles after "Spaghetti Junction" near Atlanta. I think that is about where Marietta is or the Druid Hills exit is on 85. What a effing adventure it is driving on 85 in the Atlanta area! 7 lanes I think. I am doing 70-75 in a 55 mph zone and I am in the way in the 5th or 6th lane. People drive on this everyday. Holy Eff Batman. That's insane!
To be continued...