So I just woke up from an almost 3-hour nap on the couch at around 920pm. My sleep patterns are a total mess. I woke up thinking that I had forgotten to pick H up at work as my phone was buzzing near me. Turns out that he was texting me to tell me to check to see if his clothes in the dryer were completely dry. First thought that came to mind is that I will be picking him up at 10pm; he can check himself. LOL. Then I thought; hey he went to school this morning from 8 to 11, then worked on a speech thing for one of his classes and then went into work for 4 hours at 6pm. He was pretty darn productive. I could therefore use 5 seconds of my life to check on his clothes.
It wasn't like I did all that much tonight. Let's see I had a couple Dos Equis when I got home, made a ham & cheese sandwich and read a chapter of my latest pickup at the used bookstore. It's a George Will book on baseball from 1991. The first part of the book is about Tony LaRussa and how he manages a game. Twenty years later I still saw that managing style and the machinations that he used in games during the World Series against Texas. Gawd I miss baseball on TV every night. I had the choice tonight between college basketball games, replays of this weekend's college football games and some lame-ass hockey game between the hockey capitals of Raleigh, NC and Sunrise, Fl. WTF? Geez. The Panthers play near Ft. Lauderdale. That makes as much sense as the Kris-Kim marriage. Oh gawd I referenced a reality show in a blog. Time for me to never ever blog again. LOL.
Well all is good in Mtl. it seems as my ex received the money order for H's passport that I sent up last Wednesday. Weird how my money makes it my ex in 5 days and my customer's cheque from someplace in Ontario to Montreal, QC takes two weeks to arrive. Go figure.
H also got his passport today delivered by Fedex to our house this afternoon so he will get to fly up to Montreal for Christmas and spend some time with his Mom. It saves me driving 1070 miles and it only cost me $65 in taxes for the fare up there as I paid for the flight with my Delta Skymiles. It did cost me 32,500 miles as they have changed the way you get tickets using miles. I'm using more as it almost peak season for flights. It used to cost 25,000 miles without these peaks. Weird how it works. Anyways I saved time and money as well as wear and tear on my sciatic nerve.
Well it's official the Zone in Mauldin closed their doors yesterday and they posted on their Facebook page that the reason for closing was the "continued decline of the economy". First of all I think it would be continuing decline and not continued and secondly while the economy may have played a role; the prime culprit was mismanagement of assets in the company.
I spent a couple of hours last night researching lease prices in the area to get a feel for what it may cost and then checked out local sites for restaurant equipment just too get an idea what kind of investment would be required. I kind of wish that I had heard the rumors earlier so that I could have done some on-site research on what had happened to the clientele. I know that they still had some steady regulars after work but lost a lot of the casual dining clientele over the last half year. I'm sure that these people haven't gone over to The Turtle Shell unless they like eating in an environment where there is a smoking section that isn't really kept separate from the non-smoking section. Gross. And this is coming from an ex-smoker of 19 months or 50 lbs. ago. LOL. Now I am waiting to hear back from the leasing management company. The signs are not up yet. Perhaps that will change come December 1st. Next step is a business plan. Ideas have been floating in what passes for a brain in that space between my ears.
Hmmm. I better get onto my work laptop. Another month-end is here in an hour or so. Dang a month until 2012. Unreal!
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