So I woke up pretty early today, stressed out about certain things and at 6am or so I made myself a small pot of coffee. I started to read the news on several websites. Checked out MLB news, my banking website, my local news, what used to be my local news and then what was going on in general in the news. I wasn't planning on typing on here for another week or so but then I came upon a story about last night's GOP debate. More specifically about the comments made last night from the representative from the state of Minnesota.
I'm taking off the gloves now.
This person needs to vacate her seat. This person does not have a clue! While Herman Cain's 9-9-9 tax policy statement makes little sense and I will refute this to the best of my ability in an upcoming blog. The representative from the state of Minnesots came up with this logic in her argument against 9-9-9. " When you take the 9-9-9 plan and you turn it upside won, the devil is in the details". That was her rebuttal.
She came up with that statement as an argument? Get real. Are you quoting Iron Maiden? Exit stage left. Go read lots of books. Preferably books with words not pictures. Take lots of brain-enhancement vitamins. Try to come up with an argument that is based on facts. Try to use logic. Go meet up with the that "genius" from Wasilla. Have her speak to Todd. You speak to Marcus. Then repeat grades one through five. Repeat six through eight. It's okay we know you are in your 40s. Do it anyways! Then repeat grades nine through twelve. Then maybe then you will understand what I learned in grade seven which was "people will never know how stupid you are until you open up your mouth".
That "devil's work" statement from last night took you out of the equation as a person to take seriously in the political process. That statement in itself ensured that you are not-electable, embarrassing to the vast majority of sane-minded individuals and demonstrated zero ZERO none NONE nada NADA intellect and seriousness that is needed in the political discourse. These are serious times and our leaders need to come up with serious answers. A barbie doll would have come up with a better answer. Forget that SC embraced you a month or so ago. This state alos likes the guy that is a homophobe and the guy that never met a donor whose cause he could back 110% with some of legislation.
How effing embarrassing that on the world stage that the accounting firm of Bachmann, Palin and Perry appears on almost daily basis in the political landscape!!!
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